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Solar Storm- The Roughest Storm From Space.

SOLAR STORM- What Is It? Solar Storm is basically an massive eruptions of sun's mass and solar energy form the surfaces of the sun. Our Sun is about 4 billion years in age and have temperature of about 10000℉. Its basically a hot glowing gases called the "PLASMA". The Heat and Light it generate makes our life possible in the Earth. But It also have a dark side. A single Great Geomagnetic Super Solar Storm can disrupt massively the modern civilization of Earth. Its worth to be mentioned that this storm will not destroy the earth into pieces or will cause extinction of life from the face of the earth. But it will take away the most essential thing that runs our civilization;"POWER SUPPLY AND TECHNOLOGY". All of a sudden all the power grids of different nations will get destroyed, internet services will get stopped instantly, banking and finacial transactions and even ATM services will be disrupted, transporation will get deferred and everything that is d...

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